Long ago, organized crime done an attack to the civilian population sparked a series of discussions about whether the attacks were terrorism. Decided not by the fact that criminals do not expect to reach the presidential chair. Sure, these analyzes originated from cities armored, from offices protected and from the indolence of who is being harassed by fear.
They have one thing right; criminals do not seek political power as we know it, but want control of large areas of the country. They hope to direct all economic process, hiding in their shelters, sending large groups of murderers and intimidating defenseless people. They hope to get money from state and federal budget for the region, but also withdraw money from traders and businesses. His goal, as a criminal group, is to get the maximum amount of funds to bribe officials too important to be able to intimidate, buy weapons, which is their only tool, and for heads have good life.
Spread the fear in the population has given them great power over society. The acts of insane that spread through mass media and the rumors which spread leave the civilian population stunned when has to face every day.
The primary local government department which organized crime seeks to control the public safety. By controlling the police can carry out their crimes with impunity and prevent others come to try to dominate the area.
Really do go on the power, but according to their interests and their methods.
The political turmoil for municipal elections is not filed, the silence and the absence of meetings and the lack of candidates to 5 days of starting the pre-candidacies, makes me think that many have already been intimidated or not interested in taking risks.
Within my conspiracy theory, I think that this war between organized crime is taking the situation too far. Already many of those involved believe that confrontation is something intimate, and can not be an immediate end. The lesson we have learned in these 50 years of drug is that impunity is everything.
I feel that with the years of violence have reached some strange winners who are taking advantage of the chaos that planting our lives. Unable to clarify the winners.
Maybe it's me that I endeavor to look bad? But I think that the economic structure of the areas affected by violence and is very large, you cannot expect everything to be fixed in a few years.
I do think some people are attacking terrorism simple.
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